Adolescent Consultations Recognized on LinkedIn

It’s nice to be recognized every once in a while.

My linked in profile is now among the top 1% for those listing “adolescents” as a specialization. This is based upon feedback from my peers who have given LinkedIn feedback that they agree with that designation.

These days, my adolescent work is comprised of providing phone and WebEx consultation to parents who are struggling with their adolescent child’s sexual concerns. This might include troubling behaviors, gender and sexual identity issues, rebelliousness in dating relationships, or simply their child’s reported distress over their own thought life. My role is simply to listen to these parents, validate their concerns, and give them feedback about how to have a holistic approach that incorporates effective boundaries and loving empathy for their teens. It also includes providing parents resources to help them make important decisions during their stressful season of parenting.

Check out my LinkedIn profile for yourself, or read more about my work with parent consultations related to adolescent sexual concerns on my website.