Pausing Christmas to Give Thanks
While the world of commercial retail has already moved full steam ahead towards the cash-cow of Christmas, let's pause to focus on Giving Thanks.
While the world of commercial retail has already moved full steam ahead towards the cash-cow of Christmas, let's pause to focus on Giving Thanks.
Some days, I feel like Max Headroom, the British artificial intelligence character from the 1980's, incessantly repeating myself while stuck inside a squawk box. Anyway, I'm embracing my destiny, step by step. So here's the next one.
If you're already planning to vote tomorrow, thank you. If you weren't planning to vote, please reconsider.
I've always appreciated the thoughtful commentary of social researcher and author Shaunti Feldhahn. In a recent blog article, Shaunti broke down an Emory University study about wedding-day factors that correlate with higher and lower divorce rates among couples. Bottom line?
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Yes, that's what Scripture says. However, if this is where we begin, we'll at best have spotty success in the actual resisting. Let me explain.
In the past few years, I've become increasingly wary when media reports certain findings as "scientific". What once used to be a respectable way to know more of the truth of God's universe has become more a way to manipulate and justify a moral or political will. The data derived from a well-designed study isn't the problem. That's science. It's the conclusions that are drawn (or ignored) and the recommended response that often turns real science into something more like politics or religion. A recent case in point...