LifeWay Pastor Articles on Sexual Integrity in the Church

January 2016, LifeWay Pastors posted a series of four articles I wrote from the concepts presented in my latest book, Unburdened: The Christian Leader's Path to Sexual Integrity. They were designed to give Christian leaders a practical paradigm through which to apply a grace-filled sexual ethic to the biggest challenge facing the Church. Here's a brief summary of each of the articles.

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When Winter Feels More like Death than Dormancy

"Daddy, is it dead?" "No, it's actually just gone dormant for the winter. It will bloom again in the spring." "It looks like a stick. Eeewwwwww!" I have to admit that a Plumaria plant does look like an ugly, gnarled stick in the wintertime. Dropping all of its petals and its leaves when the colder weather sets in, it's not much to look at...

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Series of Articles Posted on LifeWay Pastors

Everywhere we turn, sexuality is in the news. More than ever, this issue is coming to bear on the Christian church. Regardless their context for ministry, Christian leaders need proficiency for addressing sexual integrity, sexual indiscretion and sexual integrity recovery, both in their own lives and in the lives of others they lead. Last week, LifeWay Pastors posted a series of four articles I wrote from the concepts presented in my latest book, Unburdened: The Christian Leader's Path to Sexual Integrity. They were designed to give Christian leaders a practical paradigm through which to apply a grace-filled sexual ethic to the biggest challenge facing the Church. Here's a brief summary of each of the articles.

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Looking for Jesus

A few days ago, I was cleaning up the normal whirlwind after the kids had gone to bed. Most of the nativity characters were strewn about the living room, although a few pieces made it all the way into the hallway and dining room. I found all of them, that is, except for baby Jesus. He was nowhere to be found. After picking up the entire house, I still couldn't find Jesus. Crawling on my hands and knees...

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