Encouraging Words to Christian Leaders from Thom Rainer

Thom Rainer is the president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. In his blog post this week, Thom wrote about Nine Thoughts for Pastors Who are Considering Quitting. For the most part, his thoughts would apply to any Christian leader, regardless of ministry setting. Among other points, he encourages us to remember that “many storms pass quickly” and to not lose sight that our ultimate ministry calling comes from God. It’s human nature to get distracted by the waves and take our eyes off the One who called us to do what we’re doing in the first place.

Reaching out to a friend or ministry colleague with whom we can be honest about how we’re feeling can also help us regain perspective.

If you’re discouraged in your ministry today, Thom Rainer’s article is likely worth a few minutes of your time.


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